OsteoMed ‘Fast Flap’
The OsteoMed Fast-Flap Cranial Flap Fixation System offers fast and simple fixation that produces superior aesthetic results. Fast-Flap also features OsteoMed’s patented Auto-Drive™ screws that are effective in dense bone. These self-drilling screws eliminate the need for pilot drilling and can be driven manually or with the OsteoMed OsteoDriver or Auto-Driver battery powered screwdriver.

The prodisc implant has been designed to maintain the physiologic range of motion in the spine.

Posterior Cervical Screw – Spinal ‘Proficient’
The versatility of the Proficient® Posterior Cervical Spine System gives surgeons the confidence to treat standard degenerative or complex posterior cervical spine cases from a traditional open or muscle sparing approach.

Peek Expandable Implant -Spinewave ‘Staxx’
The StaXx® XD Expandable Device is an expandable PEEK spacer that allows for controlled in situ distraction in 1 mm increments. The low-profile, expandable design allows for a significantly smaller working channel compared to a standard monolithic implant, which may result in less bone removal and nerve retraction. The device is designed to be expanded in situ to allow surgeons to more precisely restore proper biomechanics and balance, while accurately matching the patient’s anatomy.

TItanium Coated Expandable Implant – Spinewave ‘Velocity’
The Velocity® Expandable Interbody Device is a composite, expandable implant that is designed for ease of insertion, optimal implant to patient fit, maximized indirect decompression, and maximum pre and post bone grafting.

MIS Pedicle Screw System -Spinewave ‘Sniper’
Next gen minimally invasive pedicle screw system designed to treat degeneration, deformity, tumor, or trauma of the thoracolumbar spine. A key feature is the ball and socket screw design allows maximum polyaxial angulation

Anterior Access Retractor “Anterior Access Kit”
The anterior approach to the lumbar spine is heavily dependent on the ability of the access surgeon to provide exposure quickly and safely. Custom wylies retractors provide a safe and effortless anterior lumbar exposure, eliminating of shift or “rise up” in the wound, and possibly reducing the risk of vascular, nerve, and ureter injury.
The OsteoStrand™ fibers were developed through a disciplined R&D process that evaluated a variety of fiber geometries to deliver osteoinductivity, osteoconductivity, intraoperative handling, and controlled expansion. OsteoStrand is 100% demineralized bone fibers designed to unleash the bone-forming capacity and fusion potential.

Ambient Amniotic Fluid – Vivex “Allogen”
AlloGen™ is a multipurpose, frozen allograft derived from amniotic fluid. Just as amniotic fluid protects and nourishes the fetus during development, AlloGen provides the same protection to injured or traumatized tissue. Amniotic fluid contains various proteins that support cell proliferation, movement and differentiation. Amniotic fluid also includes collagen substrates, growth factors, amino acids, polyamines, lipids, carbohydrates, cytokines, extracellular matrix molecules like hyaluronic acid and fibronectin, cells and other chemical compounds that are needed for tissue protection and repair.Amniotic fluid is rich in the components that are believed to contribute to a wound healing response characterized by minimal inflammatory activity and regenerative rather than scar-mediated healing. These components work to kick-start the body’s own rejuvenation and healing process. As an all-natural liquid matrix, AlloGen Amniotic Fluid Therapy (AFT)™ can be easily applied directly at the site of injury, inflammation and pain.

Amnotic Membrane Patches – Vivex “Cygnus”
Human amniotic membrane is a unique, thin, collagenous membrane derived from the placenta, the area in which the human fetus grows and develops within the mother’s uterus. Human amniotic membrane consists of collagen layers including basement membrane and stromal matrix.
Injectable amniotic membrane is a minimally manipulated, dehydrated, nonviable cellular amniotic membrane allograft that contains multiple extra-cellar matrix proteins, growth factors, cytokines and other specialty proteins present in amniotic tissue to help regenerate soft tissue.

We offer a complete portfolio of regenerative products, capable of supporting patients from early in the wound healing process through to wound closure, regardless of wound type.

Tendon Protector – Alafair “Versa Wrap”
We offer a complete portfolio of regenerative products capable of supporting patients from early in the wounds healing process through to wound closure, no matter the wound type.